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ATRIUM participates in the international conference Slow or Eco-Designed Cultural Tourism

13-14 October 2021 (online)

On 13-14 October 2021, the Hungarian Open Air Museum organises a two-day online conference "Slow or Eco-Designed TourismCultural Routes of the Council of Europe in Hungary". The aim of the conference is to introduce the new possibilities and promote slow and eco-designed cultural tourism by presenting good practices. ATRIUM participates in the event with a contribution by the Association’s President Patrick Leech on 14 October.

For more details download the conference programme.

Cultural Routes of the Council of Europe: an integrated model for local sustainable development

7 October 2021 (Lucca, Italy)

On 7 October 2021 h 15-17.30 (LuBeC, Lucca), ATRIUM participates in a high-ranking meeting organised by the Italian Ministry of Culture and the Fondazione Scuola per i beni e le attività culturali: "Itinerari culturali del Consiglio d’Europa: un modello integrato di sviluppo territoriale sostenibile". The meeing involves representatives of the Ministeries, Regions as well as some Certified Cultural Routes. Aim of the discussion is to explore the potential of cultural routes as an instrument to program integrated policies and national strategies.

Download the programme (in Italian language).
Find out more on the LuBeC website (in Italian language).

How to deal with dissonant monuments

8 August 2021

The article written by ATRIUM's President Patrick Leech gives a short overview on the history and present situation of the huge Buzluzdha Monument in Bulgaria. As the monuent is slowly disintegrating, ICOMOS Bulgaria and ICOMOS Germany are supporting the Buzluzdha Foundation in finding funds to save the building from decay. The author points out the importance of protecting such dissonant heritage, not only for its architectural or artistic value, but also for its great potential of reminding European citizens of the terrible claims of autocratic, dictatorial and totalitarian regimes of the 20th century.

Download the article (in Italian language).

ATRIUM on Forlì Today

24 July 2021

Forlì Today published an article on a newly created bridge between Forlì in Italy and Argirocastro-Permet in Albania. Six groups from Forli visited the fascinating place, among which representatives of the ATRIUM Association.

Read the article (in Italian language).

ATRIUM participates in ICOMOS Conference

22-23 July 2021 (Kazanlak, Bulgaria)

On 22-23 July 2021, Atrium participated at the international ICOMOS Conference at the Historical Museum Iskra of Kazanlak, close by the famous Buzludzha Monument in Bulgaria. In fact, the conference entitled IN RESTAURO: Post-War Heritage of Art and Architecture in Central and Eastern Europe. Integrated Approaches to Dissonant Monuments and Sites focused on the Buzludzha Project and how to deal with such difficult heritage. The ATRIUM Association's President, Patrick Leech, contributed with a speech on the case of the ATRIUM cultural route, underlining that dissonance in heritage may be embraced as a value and key interpretative tool, while involving the participation of local citizens in the creation of their own heritage.

Download the conference programme.
Download the press release.

Alzaia(S) among the finalists of the Arte Lagune Prize 15

24 February 2021

“Alzaia(S)”, a production by video artists Francesca Leoni and Davide Mastrangelo, is among the finalists of the Arte Laguna Prize 15. The co-production of the Vertov Project and ATRIUM Forlì had been taken to important festivals. Now, the work of video art will be exhibited at the Arsenale of Venice.

The finalists of the Arte Laguna Prize 15 have been selected by an international jury, composed of important curators and directors of museums operating in different countries. Discover the names of the 120 artists that will exhibit at the Arsenale of Venice from October 2-24 October 2021.