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Cultural Routes of the Council of Europe crossing Italy: a European Heritage

18 February 2022 (Venice, Italy)

 On February 2022, in occasion of the Italian Presidency of the Committee of Ministers of the Council of Europe, the conference Cultural Routes of the Council of Europe crossing Italy: a European Heritage will take place in Venice, Italy. The event is organised by the Italian Presidency of the Committee of Ministers of the Council of Europe with the support of the Enlarged Partial Agreement on Cultural Routes (EPA) and the Council of Europe Venice Office

The Director of the ATRIUM Association, Claudia Castellucci, will contribute as a panel speaker in the first conference session focusing on European Identity, Memory and Heritage.

Download the conference programme.

Integrated Approaches to Europe's Dissonant Heritage

16-17 February 2022 (online)

On 16-17 February 2022, ATRIUM will participate at the online forum "Integrated Approaches to Europe's Dissonant Heritage", within the framework of the Urban Agenda for the EU.

All over Europe, dissonant heritage of the 20th century is under discussion. The Online Forum on integrated approaches to Europe’s dissonant heritage gives the space to talk and have an exchange about potentials and opportunities, such as democracy building, education, culture, tourism as well as urban and regional development.

Download the programme.
Discover more about the event.


From Mussolino to Tito - school project focusing on Italy's Eastern border

February 2022 (Forlì, Italy)

In November 2021, within the European project PEOPLE and in collaboration with the ATRIUM Association and DEINA, the secondary school Liceo Classico G.B. Morgagni (Forlì), a group of young people started a project on non-democratic regimes and minorities, focusing on the case of the border between Italy and former Yugoslavia, thus referring to the period of Mussolini's rise to power until Tito.

Download the press release (in Italian language).

Read an article on Forlì Today (in Italian language).

ATRIUM invited to Strasbourg

16-17 December 2021 (Strasbourg, France)

ATRIUM President Patrick Leech was invited to participate in the preparatoriy Meeting for the Conference on “The role of Sites of remembrance: Places of commemoration, Places of education, Places of tourism” to be held in Paris from 16-17 December 2021.

Dialogue between generations: Atrium participates in workshop

17 December 2021 (online)

On 17 December 2021 ATRIUM participates in a workshop for young people on how cultural routes may promote the diologue between generations. 

For detailed information, download the programme.

First WalkEUR Training Session organised by ATRIUM

18-22 October 2021 (Forlì, Italy)

After a series of meetings held between March and September 2021, the ATRIUM Cultural Route organises the first of four transnational training sessions within the WalkEUR Project. From 18-22 October 2021, twenty participants of the four Cultural Routes will meet in Forlì (Italy) to face the topic of Sources and Archives. Find out more about the programme and the speakers.

Further training sessions will be held in the coming month organised in Spain and Faenza (Italy) by the other participating cultural routes on the topics of Citizens Involvement, Cultural Managament as well as Marketing and Storytelling.

Find out more about the WalkEUR Project.