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Architecture as propaganda - a school project

September 2023

"Architecture as propaganda: the exhibition of power in the totalitarian regimes of the twentieth century" is the title of a new project proposed by the Pro Torviscosa association in collaboration with ATRIUM and the ISIS Bassa Friulana schools and financed by the Friuli Venezia Giulia Region.

The objective of the project is to allow students from Lower Friuli to learn about ATRIUM's built heritage in other towns and cities. ATRIUM provides the students with its experience and materials so that they may draw inspiration for new creations such as guided visits, brochures and videos.

General Assembly

June 2023

On the 13th and 14th of June, ATRIUM’s annual General Assembly took place in Ștei, Romania. The programme of the first day not only included workshops about interpreting dissonance, European projects and the ATRIUM Digital Catalogue, but also a networking café and a guided tour of Ștei. During the official meetings of the XXI and the XXII General Assemblies on the second day, a new Board of Governors and a new Scientific Committee were appointed. Additionally, three new members of ATRIUM were approved. We would like to thank all the attending members of ATRIUM and of course our host, the Municipality of Ștei, for two wonderful and successful days!

Article on the General Assembly [in Romanian language]

Three new ATRIUM members approved

June 2023

We are very happy to announce that three new members have been approved during this year’s General Assembly! We would like to express our warmest welcome to the Municipality of Leros (Greece), the Technical University of Crete (Greece) and the Municipality of Dimitrovgrad (Serbia). These new members make a great contribution to the Route, both for the significant architectural heritage of which they are ambassadors, and for the expansion of the ATRIUM Route to two new European Countries in which it was not yet present.

ATRIUM gained a new Friend of the Route...

May 2023

ATRIUM gained a new "Friend of the Route":  AEP61-74 Association of Portuguese Political Exiles.

Find out more about the association by visiting their website and facebook profile.

New projects presented ...

May 2023

ATRIUM has presented a series of European and regional projects:

W.ISIBLE project (submitted by ATRIUM under Creative Europe programme) on thecontribution that women have made to cultural production in the field of architecture.

NEXT ROUTES (submitted under ERASMUS PLUS programme, ATRIUM is partner) on Cultural Routes managers’ skills related to digital and creativity.

DIGITEU (submitted under ERASMUS PLUS programme, ATRIUM is partner) on professional training in heritage, culture, and tourism management.

AR.C.H.ETHICS (submitted by the Municipality of Cesena under the URBACT programme, some ATRIUM members are partners) on the open, inclussive and innovative interpretation of heritage.

MEMORIAPP (submitted under the call on Memory of Emilia Romagna Region) aimed at creating a Web App on the history and the role of the municipalities involved druing fasiscm.


Sutbtitling project at the Dipartment of Interpreting and Translation

May 2023

A group of third year university students of the study program "Intercultural and Linguistic Mediation" (Department of Interpreting and Translation, UNIBO) participated in a teamwork project to create German subtitles of a promotional video aimed at the dissemination of the Memowalk Atrium Plus, an educationa guided tour for students made by students.

This guided tour is one of the outputs created within the Europen project ATRIUM Plus, and culminated in the touristic product ATRIUM Go!

Atrium and FARO [German subtitles]