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Presentation of Master in Landscape Architecture

9 December 2019 (Carbonia and Cagliari, Italy)

Discover the Master's Program in Landscape Architecture (Master Architettura del Paesaggio), University of Cagliari, which is presented on 9 December 2019 in Carbonia and Cagliari.

Download the flyer of the presentation event.
Download the dossier of the Master programme.

ATRIUM attends inauguration of the exhibition "1919-1926: il fascismo da movimento a regime"

19 October 2019 (Forlì, Italy)

On 19 October 2019, the exhibition "1919-1926: il fascismo da movimento a regime" (1919-1926: Fascism - from movement to regime), organised by the Fondazione Alfred Lewin, was inaugurated. ATRIUM President Patrick Leech and the Director of ATRIUM Claudia Castellucci participated in the inaugurative event. The exhibition is part VI edition of the 900fest 2019 "La socialdemocrazia è morta? - democrazia, welfare, lavoro", which takes place from 23 to 26 October 2019.

Advanced Training Course: "Screenplay and Landscapes"

November 2019 - February 2020 (Carbonia, Italy)

Carbonia invests in Cinema and Environment: Applications open fort the Advanced Training Course "Screenplay and Landscapes". Focus is the development of audiovisual material as an instrument to comunicate and tell the peculiarities of local landscapes. From November 2019 until February 2020, the town hosts the Advanced Training Course (12 masterclasses) for the development of original cinema and tv projects, inspired by  Sardinia landscapes. 

LA CITTÀ DI CARBONIA PUNTA SU CINEMA E AMBIENTE: APERTE LE SELEZIONI PER IL CORSO DI ALTA FORMAZIONE IN “SCENEGGIATURA E PAESAGGIO”Il Comune di Carbonia scommette sullo sviluppo delle fonti audiovisive come forma e strumento di comunicazione ideale per raccontare le peculiarità paesaggistiche del territorio. Da Novembre 2019 a Febbraio 2020 la nostra città ospiterà un corso di alta formazione articolato in 12 masterclass per lo sviluppo di progetti originali per il cinema e la serialità televisiva ispirati dai paesaggi della Sardegna e dalle sue ambientazioni.
Ulteriori informazioni.

European Award for ATRIUM

2 October (Sibiu, Romania)

On 2 October 2019, during the 9th Cultral Routes Advisory Forum in Sibiu/Romanis, ATRIUM has been awarded by the Enlarged Partial Agreement on Cultural Routes of the Council of Europe as Best Practices 2018 in Cultural Tourism and Sustainable Developement for the results achived thanks to the ATRIUM Plus project under the Interreg V-A Italy-Croatia CBC Programme. A satisfaction to be certainly shared with all actors involved in the project!

View the award certificate.

ATRIUM is part of the Routes4U "Trip Planner"

October 2019

The “Trip planner” was developed in the framework of Routes4U and launched in July 2019 featuring points of interest related to the Cultural Routes in the four EU macro-regions (Adriatic and Ionian, Alpine, Baltic Sea and Danube Region). ATRIUM is part of the digital platform.

Plan your individual trip along the ATRIUM Route and other Cultural Routes of the Council of Europe by using the Inerative Map.

Discover more about ATRIUM and other Cultural Routes of the Council of Europe on the "Trip planner" digital platform.

European Heritage Days in Tirana

21-22 September 2019 (Tirana, Albania)

“Walking through heritage, towards the future” was the title of the guided tour for high school students in the city center of Tirana. The event was organised in occasion of the European Heritage Days with the aim to focus on the history and promote the values of democracy and freedom.

Along the itinerary, historical facts were contextualized by the use of images.

Steps of the itinerary