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New project: Testimonies of an instant, heritage for the future

March 2023

The historical archive of the cultural association Torri di Marmo is the starting point for didactic workshops dedicated to elementary school pupils of Tresigallo. The aim of the project is to raise awareness among the young generations of the history of their town.

The workshop is part of a wider project Testimonianze di un istante, patrimonio per il futuro (Testimonies of an instant, heritage of the future) – as winner of the tender Memoria del 900 della Regione Emilia-Romagna. Among other things, a digital photographic archive will be created.

Find out more (in Italian language).

Cultural itineraries in Emilia-Romagna: ATRIUM

March 2023

In the edition "Sulle tracce di una regione. Itinerari visuali socio-economici e culturali in Emilia-Romagna, ATRIUM receives great attention.

Take a look at the edition.

ATRIUM newsletter N° 1

February 2023

The ATRIUM Association has now its own Newsletter! Find out more about the association's activitiss, new projects, upcoming events and news from the ATRIUM partners.

Torviscosa's dissonant heritage on Minecraft

February 2023

It all started with the passion for the video game Minecraft of a young student, Antonio Roggio. His work was the starting point for a project financed by the Region Friuli-Venezia Giulia and the UNPLI, which involved 30 students to work on the actual project and 150 students to partecipate in training sessions on the architecture of the Fascist regime. On 25 February 2023, the project will be presented.

View the trailer of the project.

ATRIUM organises exhibition on Cultural Routes

November 2022

On 29 November 2022, within the framework of the FAB Routes project, the ATRIUM Association organises a workshop on the Cultural Routes of the Council of Europe, focusing how the network may promote our European cultural heritage through political action. The workshop also includes a guided tour at the discovery of the rationalist architecure in Forlì.

Where: Liceo Classico G.B. Morgagni, Sala delle Costellazioni, V.le Roma 1/3 FORLI’

Download the brochure with the programme.

PEOPLE project: transnational meeting in Forlì

October 2022

Within the framework of the PEOPLE project, a transnational meeting will take place on 6-8 October 2022 in Forlì, Italy. This is the fourth of  a series of events in the months from April to October 2022. Download the programme of the event in Forlì (6-8 October).

The PEOPLE project seeks for possible answer to the emerging need of providing young Europeans with deeper knowledge on persecutions that affected EU countries under Totalitarian regimes. Guided tours, exhibitions, video presentations, discussions with students, and much more were on the agenda.