Progettazione critica. La narrazione architettonica della memoria controvera.
Master thesis on the relationship between architecture and memory as a fundamental aspect of architectural design.
Social and Urban Adaptation to Dissonant Heritage in Post-Conflict Revitalisations within the Atrium Cultural Route of the Council of Europe. [English version] - [French version]
Master thesis on the promotion of human rights and democracy focusing the case of ATRIUM.
The resonance of the EU totalitarian discourse within the cultural route of the Council of Europe ATRIUM
The presentation gives an overview of a master thesis product conducted at the European University Viadrina Frankfurt (Oder) on the topic of horizontal processes of Europeanization by focusing on the case of ATRIUM.
Residents and the city in Forlì. Are we ready for an Urban Ecomuseum?
The presentation gives an overwiew of a final thesis project conducted at the University of Bologna on the topic of European Cultural Routes and Tourism Systems. Request the full version by email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
L’importanza di riconoscere il valore dell’eredità culturale per la società. Convenzione di Faro e turismo partecipativo.
The presentation gives an overview on the Faro Convention as an instrument of a participative tourism applied to the case of ATRIUM Forlì.
Dissonant heritage along the way. Residents' perceptions and ATRIUM Cultural Route of the Council of Europe in Dimitrovgrad.
Master thesis on the case of the planned town of Dimitrivgrad in Bulgaria, built in the Communist period.