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Carbonia obtains project fundings

September 2022

The municipality of Carbonia obtained regional fundings for a project on sustainable tourism development in the South-Western part of Sardinia. A first workshop of the pilot project within the framework of the 2030 Agenda will take place on 29 September 2022.

Download the programme of the workshop. 

ATRIUM presented at ICOMOS conference in Mexico

August 2022

Former intern at the ATRIUM Association Laure Marique, graduated in Interior Architecture with a Master’s degree specialised in built heritage as well as a Master’s degree in
Dynamics of Cultural Landscape, Heritage, Memory and Conflictualities presented the ATRIUM Cultural Route at an international ICOMOS conference in Mexico.

Find out more.

Call for Tenders

August 2022

2 vacant positions for the secretary at the ATRIUM Association and the WOMEN Network

Manifestazione d’interesse per copertura di n. 2 incarichi professionali per lo svolgimento di attività di segreteria presso le associazioni “ATRIUM - Architecture of Totalitarian Regimes of the XX Century in Europe's Urban Memory” e “WOMEN – Rete delle Donne del Mediterraneo”

Call for tenders
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Atrium participates at CoE workshop

July 2022
On behlaf of ATRIUM and as delegate for the ATRIUM President (Prof. Ulisse Tramonti), Patrick Leech participated in a workshop organised by the Council of Europe on the project of 'Places of Remembrance' in the framework of the programme Remembrance of the Holocaust and prevention of crimes against humanity.
The workshop is preparatory to a wider conference planned later this year and was organised by the Directorate General for Democracy, Directorate of Democratic Participation and the Education Department of the CoE. Among other things, the group visited the Saro Sajmiste (Old Fairground) area in Belgrade used as a concentration camp from 1942 to 1944.


New ATRIUM President

June 2022

On 8 June 2022, Prof. Ulisse Tramonti, an internationally recognised expert of architecture from the 20th century and member of the ATRIUM Scientific Committee was elected President of the ATRIUM Association. Also a new vice president was elected: Yasho Minkov, vice mayor of the Municipality of Dimitrovgrad in Bulgaria. The Assembly expressed its gratitude to Prof. Patrick Leech for his precious contribution during his Presidency and to architect Irina Belusic Maggi for her dedication as vice president.