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ATRIUM Publications

Patrimonio Dissonante del Novencento: Narrazioni ed Esperienze di Valorizzazione
Working materials of the training course 2017 for tour guides, cultural operators and educators on the topic of dissonant heritage of the 20th century and its promotion in terms of storytelling and tourism experiences. 

Consumi e Costruzione del Consenso nell'Italia Fascista
Working materials of the training course 2016 for tour guides and cultural associations on the the topics of economy and consensus building in Fascist Italy.

ATRIUM Guidelines for the Restoration of Modern Architecture 
A seven point guideline for the restoration of modern architecture with a connection to totalitarian regimes of the 20th century in Europe, including three case studies.

The Manual of Wise Management, Preservation, Reuse and Economic Valorisation of Architecture of Totalitarian Regime of the 20th Century.
The ATRIUM Manual of Wise Management is one of the key results and outputs of the ATRIUM project. It represents a work of several experts from the ATRIUM partnership, representing the whole diversity within the ATRIUM cultural context.

Architecture, totalitarian regimes and memory in the 20th century Contributions to the birth of a European Cultural Route.
This book brings together the work presented by the speakers at the conclusive conference of the ATRIUM project held in Forlì from 13 to 15 June 2013.

ATRIUM Transnational Survey
The survey identifies emblematic architectural examples of the regimes in the territories of the ATRIUM project partners.

SIGN INVENTION - futuring the past
Catalogue: objects from a design contest dedicated to creative talent and launched by ATRIUM Association in 2013. Each creation captures the experience of a visit to the special places promoted by the ATRIUM Route.

The catalogue of the photographic exhibition on the remains of the architectural heritage of Totalitarian Regimes in Europe.