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ATRIUM on Artribune

October 2016

The current issue of the magazine "Artribune" tells the ATRIUM experience, with reference to the exhibition “Totally Lost” and giving a short overview on recent activities.

L’ultimo numero della rivista “Artribune” racconta l'esperienza di ATRIUM, con un riferimento alla mostra “Totally Lost” e un excursus sintetico sulle attività del recente passato.

Download the article. 

New itineraries in Labin, Croatia

Spring 2016

The town of Labin, active member of the ATRIUM cultural route, organised a course on the ATRIUM itineraries in Labin. Within this context, itinerary signs indicating the various sites have been installed. The itineraries include the settlement houses, buildings of the industrial zone Pijacal as well as the main square with significant buildings, such as the Lictor Tower and the Ceva Building.

Dimitrovgrad applies for UNESCO

January 2016

The city of Dimitrovgrad, an active member of the ATRIUM cultural route, is applying to enter the list of protected sites of the UNESCO World Heritage. The city's built heritage is a unique example of socialist architecture and may contriubute significantly in shaping European history and memory of the 20th century. Bulgarian Minister of Culture, Vezhdi Rashidov, and Director-General of UNESCO, Irina Bokov, support the intention.

Read the complete article.

The Mine of Culture - Public Library of Labin, Croatia

January 2016

The former coal mine infrastructure in Labin is being adapted to new public purposes: town library and multimedia centre. The basic conception related to the renovation of the library’s interior was based on the idea of maintaining the character of the building by allowing the visitors to enjoy some details evocating the original interior design and atmosphere. 

Labin’s Town Library won two awards: the Bernardo Bernardi Award for the best achievement in architectural and interior design in Croatia and the Vladimir Nazor Annual Award for the best artistic achievement in the field of architecture and town planning in Croatia.

For more details, please click here.

ATRIUM included in UNWTO Global Report

December 2015

UNTWO included the ATRIUM Cultural Route in its Global Report, Volume 12 on Cultural Routes and Itineraries, published in December 2015.

The ATRIUM route is a tangible and intangible evidence of a European common "uncomfortable heritage" of XX Century. It is considered an innovative cultural framework, where "tourism could play a crucial role not only by creating wealth but also making people more aware of this dissonant urban heritage."

Download the article on ATRIUM or the entire volume.