FAB Routes kick-off meeting
3 November 2020 (online)
The ATRIUM Association won again funds from the European Erasmus+ Program. The innovative project FAB Routes - Digital skills to promote EU Cultural Routes had its kick-off meeting on 3 November 2020. the project partners were introduced to each other and project activities, timelines and deliverables were discussed.
Find out more about the FAB Routes project.
General Assembly 2020
27 May 2020 (online)
On 27 May 2012, the ATRIUM General Assembly was held online due to the COVID-19 restrictions.
Among other things, two new members of the Scientific Committee were appointed: Prof. Stephen Gundle (University of Warwick – History of Fascism), and Prof. Eleonora Berti (University of Bologna - Internationalisation).
9th Advisory Forum of the CoE Cultural Routes
2-4 October 2019 (Sibiu, Romania)
On 2-4 October 2019, ATRIUM participated at the 9th Cultural Routes Annual Advisory Forum in Sibiu, Romania. The event was organised by the Enlarged Partial Agreement on Cultural Routes of the Council of Europe (EPA) in cooperation with the Ministry of Tourism of Romania.
During this year's edition of the Forum, ATRIUM has been awarded by the Enlarged Partial Agreement on Cultural Routes of the Council of Europe as Best Practices 2018 in Cultural Tourism and Sustainable Developement for the results achived thanks to the ATRIUM Plus project.
Download the programme of the 9th Cultural Routes Annual Advisory Forum.
Cultural Routes Coordination Meeting
4-5 April 2019 (Pavia, Italy)
On 4-5 April 2019, ATRIUM participated at the Cultural Routes Coordination Meeting in Pavia, Italy.
Download the report of the meeting.
ATRIUM at the XI Congress of Euro-Mediterranean Inter-Cultural Dialogue
9 October 2018 (Zagreb, Croatia)
ATRIUM participates at the XI Congress of Euro-Mediterranean Inter-Cultural Dialogue, organised by the Libertas International University of Zagreb. Vice President of the ATRIUM Association, Irina Belušić Maggi', gave a speech entitled "Dissonant Croatian planned settlements: a tool for better understanding of common European heritage”.
The contribution focuses on ATRIUM's built heritage in Croatia, represented by the towns of Labin and Raša in Istria as well as by the town of Uble on the island of Lastovo. The value of the architecture lies not only in its rationalist and neoclassical style, but also in the urban matrix with residential areas based on the fascist principles of social hierarchy. By raising awareness of the importance of this heritage among Croatian experts, these planned settlements earned a central place in scientific research, which saved them from oblivion. Labin, Raša and Uble offer significant potential for the growth of the tourism sector in Croatia, to be experienced and examined especially by young Europeans and experts in this field.