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ATRIUM Plus Training Course

1-3 October 2018 (Forlì, Italy)

From 1-3 October 2018,  within the framework of the European project ATRIUM Plus (funded by the European Cross-Border Cooperation Programme "Italy-Croatia"), ATRIUM Forlì with the scientific support of the CAST (Centre for Advanced Studies in Tourism, University of Bologna) organises a three-day seminar 'How to deal with dissonant heritage' for tourist operators and teachers.

The project objectives are to create cultural-tourist routes addressed to young people and transform the participating cities and towns in destinations of educationsl visits and school excursions. Lead partner is the Municipality of Forlì (I), partners are the cities of Bari and Ferrara (I) and Labin (HR), as well as the University of Zadar (HR).

8th Advisory Forum of the CoE Cultural Routes

26-28 September 2018 (Görlitz, Germany)

8th Advisory Forum Cultural Routes of the Council of Europe: Cultural Routes of the Council of Europe as a link between cultural values, heritage sites and citizens: strategies and synergies from a global perspective.

ATRIUM is preparing to participate in the Cultural Routes Annual Advisory Forum 2018, which will be hold in Görlitz, Germany from 26 to 28 September 2018.  

Further information.

Previous Forums: 201920172016, 2015, 2014

ATRIUM PLUS meeting in Zadar, Croatia

20-21 June 2018 (Zadar, Croatia)

After the kick-off meeting in Ferrara, a second meeting of the European Project ATRIUM PLUS will be hold in Zadar, Croatia on 20-21 June 2018. Download the agenda and the programme of the meeting in Zadar.

The objectives of the project are to create an create an ATRIUM cultural-tourist product addressed to schools and perform training sessions to tourist guides on the ATRIUM themes. More details.

1st Routes4U Meeting

6 June 2018 (Venice, Itlay)

The ATRIUM Association parteicipates at the 1st Routes4U Meeting for the Adriatic and Ionian Region (EUSAIR) in Venice on 6 June 2018. The meeting aims at identifying the regional needs of the Adriatic and Ionian Region with regard to the Cultural Routes Programme in the framework of the Routes4U Project.

Download the draft agenda and a working document for the plenary session on the Cultural Routes in the Adriatic and Ionian Region. More information as well as working documents are available on the Routes4U website.

Extraordinary General Assembly

30 May 2018

An extraordinary General Assembly on Skype is convened on 30 May 2018 9.30 AM to approve the adhesion of the Italian towns of Carbonia and Merano to the Association according to art. 12 of the ATRIUM Statute (download minutes). On the same day, a restriceted meeting of the Italian members is also planned in Forlì.

Erasmus+ DECRA meeting

17-19 May (Thiron Gardais, France)

The fourth meeting of the Erasmus+ DECRA project will take place in Thiron Gardais, France on 17-19  May 2018. Download the programme.

After a kick-off meeting in Paris (October 2017), the partners of the Erasmus+ DECRA project met in Forlì, Italy (20-22 March 2018) and Pula, Croatia  (17-19 April 2018). 

The project deals with the improvement of the cultural supply provided by the European cultural routes. Hence, ATRIUM and other routes certified by the Council of Europe have the opportunity to work together to improve their tools and contents.

Board of Governors and General Assembly 2018

18-20 April 2018 (Tirana, Albania)

On 18-20 April 2018, the Board of Governors and the General Assembly of the ATRIUM Association took place in Tirana, Albania (venue: Bunk'Art).

The ATRIUM association approved the annual balance and the work plan for 2017 and 2018. Modalities of enlarging the route were discussed; each member agreed to collaborate to achieve this objective. Download the minutes and the signed convocation of the BoG and  GA.

During the meeting, several training sessions took place:
- European projects as a resource for the cultural route
- The principles of the Cultural Routes of the CoE
- The importance archives for the knowledge on the ATRIUM heritage
- The Communication of dissonant heritage

BoG/GA: 202020192017, 2016, 2015, 2014