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Eurban Deco

EUrban DECO deals with the colonial legacy of Europe’s recent past on cities and local societies. In particular, the project carries out a joint transnational investigation to show how the colonial ideology is still influential in today’s urban environment through the use of symbols, romanticised narratives, naming and toponymy of EU cities.

Partners wish to carry out this analysis with the final aim to understand how such colonial-derived narratives have distorted historical remembrance processes, all while reiterating racial stereotypes and xenophobia; the persistency of such narratives has in fact defined and perpetuated a hostile approach towards migration issues and integration, preventing EU societies from becoming truly intercultural.

Ultimately, partners are committed to jointly deconstruct and re-elaborate colonial-derived narratives by means of a collective, bottom-up approach that valorises the point of view of minorities and marginalised communities.

The project is funded by the EU CERV – Citizens, Equality, Rights and Values Programme – European remembrance 2023.

Budget: € 166,495.00

Duration: 24 months (29 February 2024 - 28 February 2026)