Forlì and the Faro Convention

Fare Faro a Forlì
As ATRIUM focuses an uncomfortable heritage, from the very beginning, great attention has been paid to involving the local community, associations and creative stakeholders, that live and work in the places along the cultural route. The principles and the methodology of the Faro Convetion provide useful guidelines for the animation and co-creation of meanings related to the cultural heritage of the cultural-touristic route ATRIUM. Morevover, ATRIUM is one of the Faro action communities and part of the Italian Faro Network.
European Convention on the Value of Cultural Heritage for Society: the Faro Convention
- recognises that rights relating to cultural heritage are inherent in the right to participate in cultural life, as defined in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights;
- promotes all forms of cultural heritage in Europe, which together constitute a shared source of remembrance, understanding, identity, cohesion and creativity;
- supports the partecipation in activities related to cultural heritage;
- reinforces social cohesion by fostering a sense of shared responsibility towards the places in which people live;
- encourages to raise awareness and utilise the economic potential of the cultural heritage;
- develops innovative ways for public authorities to co-operate with other actors;
- respects and encourages volontary initiatives and encourages everyone to participate:
- in the identification process, study, interpretation, protection, conservation and presentation of cultural heritage
- in the public refelection and debate on the opportunities and challenges which the cultural heritage represents.
Read more about the Faro Convention.