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Transnational event of the EUrban DECO project

10-12 December 2024 (Berlin, Germany)

RE/READING THE CITY - Renaming streets and places as decolonial practice

From 10-12 Decmeber 2024, the 2nd transnational event of the EUrban DECO project took place in Berlin.

There could be no more fitting place for the EUrban DECO Event #2 than the first German decolonial memorial "Earth Nest" by The Lockward Collective right at the entrance of Berlin Global Village.

Hosted in Berlin by NGO NEST Berlin, the event brought together partners and target groups for three days of intensive seminars, workshops and tours. Past experiences and current initiatives were analysed to explore how toponymy can give voice to alternative perspectives and promote an inclusive vision of urban history.

The aim of the project is to carry out a transnational investigation that highlights the influence of colonial ideology in the urban environment, actively involving local communities and stimulating dialogue on the transformation of public spaces.

Download the program.