18 October 2021 (online)

ATRIUM and the Ordine degli Architetti della provincia di Forlì-Cesena organise a series of three online conferences on the restoration of modern architecture "Il Restauro del Moderno. Indirizzi per ATRIUM, Rotta Culturale del Consiglio d'Europa" with three different foci:
- 18 October 202, 16.00-19.00 (CET): Fascismo e fascismi e il valore dell’architettura del fascismo (Prof. Arch. Ulisse Tramonti, UNIFI)
- 3 November 2021, 16.00-19.00 (CET): Conservare l’architettura del Ventennio (Prof. Arch. Marco Pretelli, UNIBO; Prof. Arch. Giulia Favaretto, UNIBO).
- 1 December 2021, 16.00-19.00 (CET): La città-fabbrica di Torviscosa: progetto e costruzione (Arch. Ph.D Maria Vittoria Santi, UNIUD) and Restauro e riuso dell’architettura del Ventennio: Il Foro Boario e l’asilo infantile Santarelli a Forlì (Arch. Andrea Savorelli, ATRIUM).
The event is free, and will be held on the online platform GoToWebinar. Please subscribe via this platform. Upon subscription you will receive the link to the webinar.
For the participation at the event, 3 CFP will be recognised for each conference. Participation is limited to 200 architects. For more information in Italian language, please visit the website of the Ordine Architetti Forlì-Cesena.
Programme of of conference series
Programme of conference 1
Programme of conference 2
Programme of conference 3