20 October 2021 (online)
The German Federal Ministry of the Interior, for Building and Community (BMI) and the Federal Institute for Research on Building, Urban Affairs and Spatial Development (BBSR) invites to an online expert discussion on Wednesday, 20 October 2021 from 15:00-18:00.
ATRIUM will participate in the international event "Integrated Approaches to Europe's Dissonant Heritage", within the framework of the Urban Agenda for the EU.
How can integrated approaches develop the potential of dissonant heritage sites for society, for tourism and for urban and regional development and make it usable in the long term, e.g. as places of local civic participation and democracy building?
A working group of European experts, which has been working intensively on the topic since 2020 as part of the Urban Agenda for the EU, will present and reflect on its results and strategic recommendations.
To join the event online, please visit the Urban Agende for the EU website. The link to the streaming will be posted there in due time, along with a detailed program.
For more information download the event's announcement and visit the website.