20 September 2018 (Rimini, Italy)

With the support of the Municipality of Forlì and the ATRIUM Association, as well as in collaboration with the project ATRIUM PLUS, financed by the "Interreg Programme V A 2014-2020 Italy-Croatia", the Centre of Advanced Tourism Studies in Rimini (CAST, University of Bologna), organizes the international conference "Turismo responsabile e patrimonio culturale. Quali sfide per i viaggi di istruzione?". The conference on the topic of sustainable tourism and cultural heritage takes place within the framework of the IT.A.CA Festial di Turismo responsabile (10th edition).
Date: 20 September 2018,14.30-18.30
Venue: Rimini Campus, Aula Alberti 7, Piazza Teatini 13, Rimini (Italy)
Download the flyer and the press release.