14 June - 30 September 2013 (Castrocaro Terme, Italy)
"Tito Chini. Dall’architettura alla decorazione. Il Padiglione delle Feste del Compendio Termale di Castrocaro."
[Tito Chini. From architecture to decoration. The Padiglione delle Feste of the thermal complex in Castrocaro.]
Curators: Ulisse Tramonit, Paola Babini e Beatrice Sansavini.
The exhibtion focuses on the famous artist Tito Chini and his works of decoration and architecture within the impressive festival hall of the thermal complex in Castrocaro Terme
From 1936 onwards, Tito Chini was in charge of the decoration woks of the festival hall (Padiglione delle Terme). Subsequently, Chini takes on also the role of art director regarding the entire complex. The exhibition shows the works of Tito Chini within the festival hall with its recently restored class windows, thus contributing to a greater visibility of this unique architectural heritage.