18 February 2021, 2 - 4.30 CET (Zoom)

On 18 February at 2 - 4.30 PM (CET), a workshop on tourism and dissonant heritage will be held on Zoom. The event is organised by the European University UNA Europa. Among the panel speakers: Patrick Leech, Professor at the University of Bologna and President of the ATRIUM Association.
Not all heritage sites, including World Heritage sites, are places of aesthetic delectation, masterpieces of human creative genius, or exhibit interchanges of human values, developments in architecture, arts or town-planning. Some are associated with traumatic events, with conflicts and with violence perpetrated by humans to other humans. This is for example the case for several UNESCO sites related to memories of colonialism and slavery, wars, nuclear disasters. Many other heritage sites have a national or local importance because of the messages they convey rather than for their materiality.
These sites put specific questions in terms of their often conflicting narratives, of their interpretation to different audiences and of their visitor management. The workshop aims at analyzing these issues, based on several examples of heritage sites, among which the sites of the ATRIUM Cultural Route.
Find out more details on the Programme and the pannelists.
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